What a year it has been! Well, after the best of intentions in getting started with spreading my thoughts and feelings about this wonderful board gaming I’ve ended up neglecting most of it. I think my Instagram, punk.meeple for those who aren’t following, is the only thing that has survived, and even that has been updated sporadically at best.
one of the many kickstarters that has turned up and I’m yet to play…
I’m sure we’ve all had a rough year. I’m not going to complain about anything because although I did lose my job, on the whole I am in a very privileged position where I was lucky enough to find a new one. My family has managed to remain healthy and although it has severely cut down on my tabletop time, in the grand scheme of things, that really isn’t so bad. But I have missed it, and I want to start putting in the effort on this site and online in general.
So, I’m hoping to turn over a new leaf. I’ve had a think about how I can go about things and I’m hoping to post a bit more often over here. Let’s face it though, it could hardly be less often. I’m also hoping to reignite the YouTube channel to try and up up a video at least every month, hopefully once a fortnight.
Hopefully, you’ll enjoy coming along for the ride and we can talk about this fantastic hobby of ours!
Day 2 of the #7days7dice over on Instagram and we have Ashes rise of the Phoenixborn by Plaid Hat Games. This is one of the few collectable card games that has really grabbed me. The setting of the game is your standard, magical people must battle it out until only one is left sort of standard fare. Basically, the magical force that gives the phoenixborn the power to wield magic now wants to be united into one person. Kind of like the 2001 Jet Li film The One, except with dragons instead of martial arts.
(Nearly) everything for the game
The game looks beautiful, the bright, colourful artwork really pops off of the cards and is some of the nicest graphical design I’ve seen in a board game. Each player will take the roll of a unique phoenixborn who will have access to some unique cards and powers. To play any cards you need the right magical mana resources. This mana doesn’t come from coloured lands or any other type of card, it comes from dice.
Each player will have a pool of 10 dice that they will roll each turn to determine their mana pool. These dice come in 4 flavours in the base game but more are added in expansions. The dice you roll determine what you can do on your turn, there are ways to mitigate and re-roll your dice but it adds a fresh way to play one of these card battling games.
Lovely, lovely dice
The game comes with suggested decks and dice selections for each of the 6 phoenixborn in the box, but the game also has a deck building option to it. Or, alternatively you can mix up your dice selection so you are more able to play some of your card types.
The cards broadly speaking come in two types, spells and creatures. Some spells allow you to conjure creatures at a later time and others give you unique abilities to play with. Some of the spells sit out in your play area in your spell board and all of your creatures sit in your battlefield. Each phoenixborn has different limits for the number of cards that can be kept in each of these areas. This gives the different characters a unique feel to them.
It is/was a great game. To expand it you bought fully formed decks for a new phoenixborn. I much prefer this model to the random card packs used by other games. I own nearly everything for this game, everything except for a horribly out of print promo phoenixborn. I don’t get to play it nearly as much as I would like as there just aren’t many players out there. I tend to try and get it in as a follow on game after playing some Star/Hero Realms or Magic. Ashes was a game that never really got the love it deserved.
I have done an unboxing of Traintopia and put it up on YouTube for people to enjoy.
Traintopia is a bright and breezy tile laying game where players will be trying to build a rail network that pleases as many commuters and tourists as they possibly can. It is for 2-4 players and takes about 30 minutes to play. It has a surprising amount of strategy in it for such a light game and is definitely worth taking a look at!